Child Protection Policy
Growth Animation LTD values young people and children as being a vital part of the organisation and desires them to grow, mature and be challenged creatively in a healthy and safe environment.
Child Protection Officer
The nominated child protection officer for Growth Animation LTD is Tyler Carrigan and a copy of this child protection policy will be available on our website.
Growth Animation LTD is a commercial studio from Scotland that strive to create professional and creative animation and moving image content. As well as priding ourselves as a professional studio we also have the firm belief in providing opportunities for the next generation to learn from our experience and inspire them to follow a similar creative career path.
The purpose of the Growth Animation LTD workshops is to offer a safe and welcoming environment for young people who have an interest in animation and filmmaking. Whether through group activities or independent exercises, we will strive to provide a safe space where new skills can be developed, creativity will have room to grow and where suitable, develop work that may be beneficial for future education.
This policy is designed to highlight the responsibilities we take on as a studio in relation to the care and protection of children and young people, as well as specifying procedures to be followed when concerns arise.
The aims of Growth Animation LTD Workshops are:
To provide activities for children and young people to help them develop their animation and filmmaking skills.
Introduce children and young people to important employability skills needed within a film and animation industry setting
To improve and develop soft skills for children and young people such as confidence and teamwork.
To enable children and young people to express themselves and encourage creativity
To assist the children and young people to better integrate into their community
To help children and young people appreciate the diversity of their cultures
The Risk to Children
Every child is entitled to grow up in a safe and happy environment and it is important not to exaggerate or overestimate the dangers. There are situations where children need protection including but not limited to:
Sexual abuse
Physical and emotional abuse and neglect
Domestic violence
Inappropriate supervision by staff or volunteers
Bullying, cyber bullying, acts of violence and aggression within schools and campuses
Unsafe environments and activities
Universality of Protection
Growth Animation LTD recognises that
The welfare of the child is paramount
All children and young people regardless of race, gender, religious belief, disability, age, sexual orientation, or identity have a right to equal protection from harm
Some children and young people are more vulnerable to harm as a result of their circumstances, prior experiences, communication needs or level of dependency
Working with children, young people, their parents and /or guardians, carers or other agencies is essential to protecting their wellbeing.
Growth Animation LTD will ensure important steps are taken during the preparation and set up of the Growth Animation LTD Workshops
Each child or young person should be formally signed up for a workshop through our form located on our website. The information on the form must be completed and includes vital information about any health conditions and emergency contact details. These details will be kept securely and are readily accessible during workshops should they be required
A media consent form will also be required to be completed and will be sent out via email. (Please see appendix A)
A risk assessment will be carried out prior to the commencement of the workshop by a member of the delivery team.
Attendance register: a register should be kept for each session and the information will be recorded in relation to our GDPR policy.
Where consent allows, Growth Animation LTD have the right to use work, pictures and videos on the Growth Animation LTD website, social media pages and other promotional purposes.
Child Protection Officer
Growth Animation LTD has appointed Tyler Carrigan as the Child Protection Officer. If any member of the delivery team has any child safety concerns, they should discuss them with the Child Protection Officer. The Child Protection Officer will then take on the following responsibilities
Ensure that the policy is being put into practice
Being the first point of contact for the child protection issue
Keeping a record of any concerns expressed about child protection issues
Bring any child protection concerns to the notice of the necessary members of delivery team and contacting local authority child protection representatives where appropriate
Ensure that all members of the delivery teams are given appropriate support and supervision
Ensure that all members of the delivery teams have undergone training prior to starting a workshop and refresher training given on an annual basis
Ensure that everyone involved with the organisation is aware of the identity of the Child Protection Officer
The Child Protection Officer will continually review and evaluate the child protection policy and ensure that it is up to date and meeting the aims of the company.
Personal / Personnel Safety
Delivery staff will be aware of the following procedures
A group of children or young people under the age of 18 should not be left unattended at any time
Avoid being alone with an individual child or young person. If there is a need to be alone with a child or young person (e.g., first aid or dealing with a distressing situation) make sure that another delivery team member knows where you are and why.
At no time should a delivery team member arrange to meet a child or young person away from the workshops.
At no time should a delivery team member connect with a child or young person through any personal social media platforms.
Any teenage assistants that become a part of the delivery team should be always supervised
In the event that any face-to-face workshops have to be transitioned into virtual delivery for COVID – 19 reasons, there are further steps that the delivery team must adhere too.
Two members of the delivery team must be on every zoom call.
No other adults to be in the room of the delivery team member while on call unless a part of Growth Animation LTD
Do not explicitly reveal any personal information
Under no circumstances engage with a child or young person on social media
No other people visible on the child’s or young person’s camera unless there for necessary extra support (e.g., carer)
Participants of the workshops are not to reveal their personal information to the rest of the group
Child Safety
In order for the safety of the children and young people during the workshop, the delivery team will be aware and adhere to these procedures
Ensure that the workshop area has gone through the appropriate risk assessment and is fit for purpose. All equipment has been checked for defects prior to any workshops. Any tools used for cutting materials are safely stored and accounted for. Safety demonstrations are provided for using all equipment.
Ensure all members of the delivery team are aware of
a. Where the emergency contacts are stored
b. Who is responsible for first aid and how to record accidents or injuries within the incident book
c. Who has given / withdrawn consent for images, moving images to be taken during workshop
d. What to do in the event of a fire or other emergency
3. If a child or young person is under 16, do not let them leave without their parent / guardian / carer unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the parent / guardian / carer.
4. Under no circumstances should a child or young person be in a member of the delivery team’s car.
In the event that any face-to-face workshops have to be transitioned into virtual delivery for COVID – 19 reasons, there are further steps that the delivery team must adhere too.
Ensure that the child or young person’s full name and location are not disclosed through zoom or equivalent platforms used for delivery
Ensure other adults not registered with Growth Animation LTD or a member of the delivery team are not actively seen on camera for the protection of other children and young people in the group, unless a parent or carer providing necessary extra support in certain circumstances.
Ensure all links and media have been checked before sharing with the children or young people so no inappropriate content is shared
Ensure that there is always two members of the delivery team present on the call and that they have identified themselves clearly with the young people, so that if any problems arise, they are aware who to speak too.
Ensure all platforms being used to delivery virtual workshops are password protected and the relevant information has only been shared with the relevant children and young people signed up for the workshop
New Workers
Members of the delivery team are by far the most valuable resource the group has for working with children and young people. When recruiting and selecting new members to join our delivery team the following steps will be taken
The completion of an application form
An interview will take place conducted by two members of the Growth Animation LTD team, who will make the final decision
Identify reasons for gaps in employment and other inconsistencies in the application
Check the identity of the applicant (passport, driving licence etc)
Following up with references provided by the applicant prior to making a final decision
Ensuring a criminal record check has been carried out and they have been put through the relevant agencies of vetting. All members of the delivery staff will be put through the PVG scheme.
Ensure the successful applicant has been put through our child protection training by the Child Protection Officer
Allowing no unaccompanied access to children or young people until the previous steps have been taken
A probationary period of 3 months for new members of the delivery team
Ensure any successful applicant have full support and supervision from the Growth Animation LTD team
It is a great benefit if delivery team undertake regular training for this type of work. The Child Protection Officer should keep workers informed of relevant courses. All employees will undergo child protection policy training on an annual basis, this will include temporary staff before the start of their contract.
Get in Contact
Get in touch with our child protection officer please email:
This Policy was adopted by Growth Animation LTD on 15th May 2021
Signed on behalf of Growth Animation LTD by:
Name in Capitals………………………
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated where appropriate.
Appendix A
This is a copy of the Media Consent Form we will ask to be filled out prior to a workshop commencing.